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Oklahoma State University

Outage/Service Interruptions

Resolved - Network outage - ARTC BLDG. 0046

Began: May 1st 6:49 am

Resolved: May 1st 6:57 am

What services does this affect?

Wired, wireless, VoIP

Who does this affect?

Faculty Staff Students

Campuses Affected

  • OSU-Stillwater

How does this affect me?

IT Technicians discovered a network outage due to a Generator test on the building affecting connectivity at ARTC (Bldg 0046).

Resolution - May 1st 7:49 am

IT technicians have completed their work on the network equipment in the ARTC BLDG. 0046

Resolution - May 1st 7:47 am

IT technicians have completed their work on the network equipment in the ARTC BLDG. 0046

For Additional Information Contact

IT Helpdesk